VCE Computing
VCE Computing provides students with opportunities to acquire and apply knowledge and skills to use digital systems efficiently and effectively when creating digital solutions both individually and as part of a network.
VCE Computing focuses on the application of a problem-solving methodology, and strategies for managing information systems in a range of contexts, to create digital solutions that meet specific needs.
The study is made up of six units:
Unit 1: Computing
In this unit, students focus on how data, information and networked digital systems can be used to meet a range of users’ current and future needs.
Unit 2: Computing
In this unit, students focus on data and how the application of computational, design and systems thinking skills support the creation of solutions that automate the processing of data.
Unit 3: Informatics
In this unit, students focus on the characteristics of data and how it is acquired, managed, manipulated and interpreted to meet a range of needs.
In Area of Study 1, students use relational database management system software to create a database solution and a graphics tool to represent how data flows on a website when users undertake online transactions.
Area of Study 2 forms part of a School-assessed Task (SAT), and is the first part of a practical project. Students frame a hypothesis, and gather, manipulate and interpret data to draw conclusions.
Unit 4: Informatics
In this unit, students focus on strategies and techniques for manipulating, managing and securing data and information.
Area of Study 1 forms the second part of the SAT. Students create a multimodal online solution, that present the conclusions drawn from their hypothesis. This involves using software to create a web-based solution that contains multiple data types.
In Area of Study 2 students focus on how organisations protect the integrity and security of data that they dispose and store.