We offer students many leadership opportunities and programs to facilitate student growth. One of the leadership programs offered is membership of Student Representative Council (SRC). The Student Representative Council is a student based and led opportunity; members of SRC are drawn from students who are already members of their Unit Forums. The selected student representatives are the embodiment of all students attending our college and are given the responsibility of voicing the needs of the student cohort, organising school and community events and are given the opportunity to make a difference.

Being a part of the SRC benefits students in numerous ways as it enables students to build public speaking skills, gives them the confidence to liaise with the fellow students, teachers and Principal, implement effective time management skills, promotes problem solving skills and conditions students to deal with real life circumstances and take the lead.

Student membership of School Council

Our school constantly encourages students take the lead and to have a say in the school they would like to see. In pursuit of this, our school offers students the opportunity to become a part of the School Council. Every year, two students are elected from the SRC as school council members alongside parent, teacher and community representatives and the College Principal.

Accepting this position entails after school meetings once a month where members discuss events that have happened throughout the year, pressing concerns and solutions to concerns brought up. Students on School Council are given insight into the finer details of what happens within our school; participating in this role allows students to build confidence when conversing with a variety of people which is a vital skill students need to equip themselves with to face the real world.