The Home Group Program includes four Areas of Development which flow through all Learning Activities.
Learning Activities are designed to allow students to develop skills at their own pace. They are, for the most part, collaborative and use student leaders to contribute to the development of their fellow students.
The four Areas of Development which make up the Home Group Program are:
Self and Others
This Area of Development aims to develop students’ ability to take charge of their own learning. It focusses on Goal Setting and Self-Reflection and promotes a Growth Mindset in students. Students learn organisational and study skills and are able to develop as an effective student.
Students collate a portfolio of their work throughout the year and use this to reflect on what they have learnt and the ways in which they learn best. The Portfolio is presented as part of the students’ end of year reports with their parents or guardian and Home Group teacher.
Collaboration and Leadership
This Area of Development aims to develop students’ ability to work in groups, to collaborate and to build their leadership capabilities.
Students often work in small, cross-age groups to complete Learning Tasks. These tasks require students to work together in a collaborative manner, communicating effectively, planning, sharing tasks and reflecting together.
Older students in the group are generally seen as leaders and often have a formal leadership or organisational role; this is not always the case however and younger students may assume an informal leadership role within the group.
Students in Year 10 take part in the Peer Leadership program which involves explicit training in leadership skills and requires them to run a number of activities in the Home Group throughout the year.
Home Group Sport activities involve students playing sport and taking part in physical activities as a whole Home Group or in smaller groups. The emphasis during these activities is on developing participation, collaboration and positive sporting behaviour in a team environment.
Global Citizenship
This Area of Development allows students to develop a broad knowledge and understanding of the world and events around them – at the local, national and international level. It also provides students with the opportunity to make a personal and positive contribution at any of these levels.
Learning Activities are flexible and can be adapted in response to relevant and important events. While there is a strong focus on current events and issues, learning is cross-disciplinary, incorporating knowledge and skills from a broad range of subjects.
This Area of Development has a strong focus on Student Voice and Agency; students have an opportunity to guide their own learning, choose or design their own learning activities. They are able to contribute to the school through membership of Unit Forum and SRC.
Developing Literacy and Communication Skills
Reading is an important part of the Home Group program. Students take part in the Renaissance Wide Reading Program selecting and reading books at their level of difficulty. Students communicate with their Home Group teacher through journal writing.
Learning Activities involve a range of literacy and communication skills; students will take part in discussions of issues, collaborate and plan in groups and give oral presentations; Learning Activities will often involve note taking and written responses, both brief and extended.