VCE Science subjects taught at Thomastown Secondary College include Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology


In VCE Biology students study life at a cellular, system, species and ecosystem levels. Students examine how life has evolved over time and understand how change may affect an individual, a species or the collective biodiversity of Earth.

In VCE Biology students develop a range of inquiry skills involving practical experimentation and research, critical and creative thinking and communication skills. Students analyse contemporary biology-related issues, and communicate their views from an informed position.


In VCE Chemistry students study a range of chemical, biochemical and geophysical phenomena through exploring the nature of chemicals and chemical processes. Students apply chemical principles to explain the behaviour of matter and undertake practical activities that involve the analysis and synthesis of a variety of materials.

In VCE Chemistry students develop a range of inquiry skills involving practical experimentation and research, critical and creative thinking and communication skills. Students analyse contemporary chemistry-related issues, and communicate their views from an informed position.


Physics is a natural science based on observations, experiments, measurements and mathematical calculations. It attempts to explain physical phenomena from the subatomic scale through to the planets, stellar systems and galaxies in the Universe.

In undertaking this study, students develop their understanding of careful and systematic experimentation and modelling in the development of theories and laws. They undertake practical activities and apply physics principles to explain and quantify both natural and constructed phenomena.

In VCE Physics students develop a range of inquiry skills involving practical experimentation and research, critical and creative thinking and communication skills. Students analyse contemporary physics-related issues, and communicate their views from an informed position.


VCE Psychology provides students with an ability to explore human thought, emotions and behaviour. In undertaking this study, students apply their learning to everyday situations including workplace and social relations. They gain insights into a range of psychological health issues in society.

In VCE Psychology students develop a range of inquiry skills involving practical experimentation and research, critical and creative thinking and communication skills. Students analyse contemporary psychology-related issues, and communicate their views from an informed position.