VCE English

Effective communication is essential to our daily living which is why the study of English is central to the learning and development of all our students.  At Thomastown, students learn how to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others and with the world around them.  They develop the knowledge and skills needed for further or higher education, training and the workplace.  Studies in English also teach students to become ethical, thoughtful, informed and active members of our society.

Year 11 English

Students in Year 11:

  • produce analytical and creative responses to texts.
  • analyse how argument and persuasive language can be used to position audiences, and create their own texts intended to position audiences.
  • compare the presentation of ideas, issues and themes in two texts.
  • identify and analyse how argument and persuasive language are used in text/s that attempt to influence an audience, and create a text which presents a point of view.

Year 12 English

Students in Year 12:

  • produce an analytical interpretation of a selected text, and a creative response to a different selected text.
  • analyse and compare the use of argument and persuasive language in texts that present a point of view on an issue currently debated in the media.
  • produce a detailed comparison which analyses how two selected texts present ideas, issues and themes.

construct a sustained and reasoned point of view on an issue currently debated in the media.

VCE English as an Additional Language

Australia is a linguistically and culturally diverse country, with participation in many aspects of Australian life dependent on effective communication in Standard Australian English. Therefore, the study of English as an Additional Language is central to the learning and development of all new arrivals to Australia from non-English speaking backgrounds. It is through the study of English that students learn to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others and with the world around them. At Thomastown Secondary College, the study of English plays a key role in the development of reading, writing and literacy skills which help our students develop the knowledge and skills needed for further education, training and the workplace.

Year 11 English as an Additional Language

Students in Year 11:

  • Produce analytical and creative responses to texts.
  • Analyse how argument and persuasive language can be used to position audiences, and create their own texts intended to position audiences.
  • Compare the presentation of ideas, issues and themes in two texts.
  • Identify and analyse how argument and persuasive language are used in text/s that attempt to influence an audience, and create a text which presents a point of view.

Year 12 English as an Additional Language

Students in Year 12:

  • Produce an analytical interpretation of a selected text, and a creative response to a different selected text.
  • Analyse and compare the use of argument and persuasive language in texts that present a point of view on an issue currently debated in the media.
  • Produce a detailed comparison which analyses how two selected texts present ideas, issues and themes.
  • Construct a sustained and reasoned point of view on an issue currently debated in the media.
  • Comprehend a spoken text.